
I purchased the hat on a memorable trip to Cuba, sometime in the pre Covid-19 era.
I am not a certified financial advisor, analyst, fund manager, professional investor, or anything else along those lines.
Basically, I am an amateur investor, who strives to improve his investing results. I enjoy sharing my experience with others who might find the information I provide useful. Over the years, I had an average annual return on investment of approx 6%.
This site reflects my personal opinions about the markets, global macro economic situation, trends, and strategies I post, are the ones I am comfortable with.
I have no business relations with any of the companies that are mentioned.
I consider myself a long time investor, and tend to hold on to my positions anywhere from 2 to 5 years.
That being said, if the investment thesis changes, the positions are closed. That may happen at any time as the markets are unpredictable.
If you decide to follow any of my positions, or strategies, please, do your own due diligence before investing.